Saturday, April 10, 2010

Saturday April 10, 2010

Fish In A Spring Vegetable Soup

Cheese and Bread

Berries and Cream

It's a beautiful spring day, sunshiny and crisp. It's the kind of day when you're supposed to go to the Farmer's market at the crack of dawn and buy armloads of just picked, local spring veggies and then run home and cook them up because you've been waiting all year for this moment! This dish is for anyone who has the time or the inclination - sometimes I really do and sometimes I just want to sit in the sun and be lazy.

This dish is very elegant, very healthy, very spa. You can make a farmer's market version or a pantry version, as you wish. They'll both taste good. You want things like fava beans, cranberry beans, asparagus, the tiniest new potatoes, fiddlehead ferns, baby artichokes. The veggies get cooked gently in a fish or chicken broth until just tender and the result should be brothy, not dense. I would choose haddock or cod or striped bass, in serving size pieces, and cook it simply, poached or baked. Ladle the soup into shallow bowls and serve the cooked fish on top, kind of barely swimming in it, not completely submerged. A drizzle of that lemon oil you made last week as a garnish would be nice. And chervil is so nice too.


  1. Yes, Chervil is so nice (especially in a broth with fish) when fresh, too! We have some on our porch in a clay pot, growing through the California "winter".

  2. Thanks for your comments Robert. I'm so jealous that you have chervil on your porch. Even in food obsessed NYC it's not always easy to find it in the markets. Are you growing anything else?

  3. ...some unambitious small pots of thyme, italian parsley and the chervil for the occasion, not consistent use. Used to have chives and basil, they go quick. Rosemary and lemons are planted in our neighborhood here as lawn shrubbery, Don't buy lemons in California, the saying goes..
