Thursday, April 22, 2010

Quiche Lorraine

I completely forgot about quiche - haven't made one in years. Suddenly I have an insatiable craving for it and I love when that happens cause it makes it so easy to make dinner. I confess I have a phobia about pie crust and only make it when I have absolutely nothing else to do and can give it my undivided attention. But that's what frozen pie crust is for in my opinion. A quiche Lorraine, as I'm sure you all know, is made with Comte or Gruyere or some other Swissy cheese, and bacon, but you can use ham. I'm using ham cause I've got some really good salty country ham in the fridge.

And yes, a big green salad. Even my kids eat salad now, though it took years to indoctrinate them. Maybe the salad bar at school helped. (Yes, Alice Waters, we have a salad bar, too. Thankfully not organic. But that's another story.)


  1. I keep pie crusts in the freezer just for quiche. Love the traditional, but it's also great for using up leftovers. Tonight we're having a quiche from the leftovers of Sunday brunch's fry up (sausage, mushrooms, onions, tomatoes). Breakfast for dinner reborn!

  2. Ooh Kim that sounds great. Both the fry up and the fry up quiche.
