Saturday, March 20, 2010

Sunday March 21, 2010

Sunday Dinner

Sausage and Peppers

And onions, garlic, plenty of olive oil, s&p. All tossed together in a roasting pan and baked for about an hour at 350 degrees. Give everything a toss once or twice if you are walking past your oven. Make a really big batch so you have leftovers to make into a pasta sauce, or to eat cold out of the fridge before you toddle off to bed after a night of imbibing. Or with scrambled eggs for breakfast or supper.

This just needs a good loaf of bread and a salad. But buttered pasta would be really good maybe with roasted cauliflower. (Or zucchini!)

Lots of red wine.

I'm not that big on dessert but brownies seem especially good after this dinner.

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