Saturday, May 22, 2010

Steamed Chicken Casserole

So, it's not so easy to work "outside of the home" and blog everyday. I did manage to make dinner every night, just barely. My apologies for skipping a couple of days. This was dinner last night, because no one else had quite the enthusiasm for sandwich week that I did. Something about but we have sandwiches for lunch everyday was being muttered in the kitchen. Fair enough. This Chinese casserole is really yummy and easy, but you need a proper steamer. Serve it with rice and a green veg and you're good to go.

Toss together in a bowl: slivered boneless, skinless chicken, diced tofu, slivered black mushrooms or shitake or whatever kind you like, chopped scallions, grated ginger, minced garlic, soy sauce, sesame oil, s&p, a little oyster sauce if you have it and a about 1/2 cup chicken stock with 2 T cornstarch dissolved in it. Transfer all to a bowl that will fit in your steamer and steam for about 20-25 minutes till chicken is cooked through.

We are going to California today and I will not be cooking. But I will think of things to make for dinner and post them every day for you. I'll ask around too. Maybe people in California have a whole different batch of things they make for dinner every day that will inspire us. In a perfect world each state would have it's 10 dinner standards, different from every other state's, and we would swap and never get bored. Maybe someday...

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