Saturday, May 1, 2010

Spaghetti and Meatballs

Not exactly light spring fare, I know, but a staple in my house. My kids reminded me that we haven't had meatballs in weeks. I always make a big batch so we have leftovers. My usual version involves a mix of beef, veal and pork with egg, tons of garlic, bread crumbs as well as stale bread torn into small pieces and soaked in milk, parmesan cheese. This is the way my father-in-law makes his and they are pretty hard to beat.

In honor of spring and of friends with egg allergies I'm going to try a version with just veal for a lighter meatball and use ricotta cheese in place of egg. I'll let you know. You probably have your own great meatball recipes, too. Also, I long ago gave up browning them on the stove before putting them in the tomato sauce. Too messy. I bake them in a 350 degree oven on a baking sheet for 20 minutes instead and the results are just as good.

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