Thursday, June 3, 2010

Salmon Hash

I've got a beautiful salmon fillet in the fridge and I'm thinking I'll slow roast it and use some for salmon hash and some for a salmon salad to eat another day. I make salmon hash with big chinks of salmon, diced potatoes, onion, lots of parsley and minced jalapeno. Kind of a riff on the snapper hash at Rosa Mexicana. It should have diced red pepper too or green pepper if you like that but I simply cannot abide green peppers so I only use red. Scallions would be good too.

And sauteed spinach or a spinach salad with a sweetish vinaigrette. I splurged on a fancy bottle of French apple cider vinegar and it has been going fast. I'm not supposed to say this, but I like
it much better than balsamic vinegar.

The salmon salad will be chunks of salmon tossed with red onion, capers, parsley, lemon juice and lemon zest, olive oil, s&p. It's the way my friend Lucy makes it and I could live on it.

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