Friday, June 11, 2010

Grilled Shrimp Marcella's Way

This is the way Marcella Hazan grills shrimp. There is absolutely no reason to ever do it any other way.
Mix together in a bowl 1 minced garlic clove, chopped parsley, S&P, bread crumbs, lemon juice and olive oil.
Use your judgement on quantities. You want this to be a loose sauce that just lightly coats the shrimp, not a heavy breading.
Toss the shrimp in the bread crumb mixture.
Skewer the shrimp and grill quickly, 1 minute on each side or so. Or don't skewer them if they're jumbo shrimp.
Perfectly delicious.
And also just as good under the broiler.

I usually have an arugula salad with this. Grilled or roasted potatoes are really good too, or rice tossed with butter and herbs.

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